Last time I built a PC be about 2 years ago, get to build a new one subsequent week but now I become aware of I have the choice of buying a PCI-E graphics card as well as the AGP cards I'm used to. What are the pros and cons of AGP vs PCI-E ? Thanks.
What's the benefit of a PCI-E graphics card compared to AGP?
PCIE is a much faster bus. That way that the card can pump out images to the display much faster, making movement games respond more quickly.
pci-e is simply a newer and faster bus, you won't distinguish anything different than what you have next to agp.
It's like the difference between a four lane and a sixteen lane highway. Cons? You can spend plentifully of money on high finale cards.
PCI-Express is 16x where as AGP is one and only 8x
Please refer to the following for ros and cons
First of all yes the bus is much faster "allows for a faster memory interface GDDR3, GDDR4," also PCI-E is what adjectives DX10 cards will be on so USE IT! within the subsequent year everyone will switch to DX10 gotta go!
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